Recovering from COVID and don’t know where to start?

I get asked daily about the best way to get back into movement after contracting COVID-19. What I am going to share is based on my experience and I would strongly suggest speaking to your health care provider for an approach more specific to you.

Since you’re reading this, I am going to speak to you as a friend, family member or client.

From your last symptomatic day (and no less than 14 days after you tested positive for COVID), take one month off. Off, as in off. Your only movement should be the necessary walking in your day! Whether or not you feel like you had mild or severe COVID symptoms, your entire body and its muscles, especially your heart and lungs were put under strain.

Continue to walk. Continue to focus on deep breathing. After this one month off, you should see your health care provider for a follow up. It is imperative that you are medically cleared by your doctor before you resume more intensive exercise. Patience is key to a full and long-lasting recovery. I was impatient, started exercising again before I got the all-clear and the result was taking a few steps back.

You may feel 100% but your organs may not be 100%. My starting exercising again involved cardio and despite feeling fine and “normal” again, the Doctor in an echocardiogram found that one side of my heart was overworking.

I am not trying to scare you, but you should be taking the recovery seriously. We are not accustomed to doing things slowly, but we need to learn. 

Rest, recover and be patient!

Once medically cleared, here is a guide to get you back into movement, without putting too much strain on your heart or lungs.

  • x6 long walks per week at a comfortable speed (this will help strengthen your lungs)
  • Trying yoga or pilates is a great place to start if you have access to those classes.

I have put together a list of workouts that I did in recovery. Remember to listen to your body and pause the video when you need to. There is no rush.

*Click on the workout titles below:

I hope this helps you feel confident when returning to movement post recovery.

Lots of love Kirst X

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