FBK Glass Mug


x1 Glass coffee mug

The FBK cup is made from borosilicate glass, which can withstand high temperatures. It has a food grade splash-proof silicone drinking lid, and a cork band which keeps that heat from your hand.



Those take-away cups you use to get your morning coffee fix are not as recyclable as you may think. They are usually lined with a membrane of plastic to make them waterproof. This means they are not biodegradable and are not recyclable alongside paper. The result is that they end up in landfills, or floating around in our oceans.

We can all help to reduce the production of around 500 billion of these coffee cups each year. Simply turn to your reusable FBK mug to hold your hot drink. Most coffee shops will be happy to put your beverage into your glass mug, and may even give you a discount for saving them the cost of the single-use cup.

Why Find Balance Kindly?
The perfect gift from us to you. I am a firm believer that in order to create a new healthy habit it is best to stack it on-top of a habit that you already do every day. Coffee?
Let’s be honest we all start the day with a warm beverage that tastes like happiness in a mug. I hope that the message on your FBK mug serves as a little reminder to Find Balance Kindly every day. To speak kindly to yourself and know that the journey to finding balance looks different for everyone.
Cork is a completely natural, recurring and easily renewable material. It can be harvested without harming the tree, and grows back periodically every few years. Only about 50% of the bark is removed at the time of harvesting. It is also biodegradable, and will break down into the environment at the end of its life cycle.
Please tag me (@fitnessbykirsten) in your morning coffee posts and use the hashtag #fbk & #findbalancekindly x
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